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7 Tips to Avoid Falling On Ice

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Sleigh bells are ringing and White Rock is shimmering. However, despite its beauty, winter wonderland often means a spike in traffic to local physiotherapy clinics! With snow and ice comes slips and falls.

Generally speaking in Canada, during the early weeks of winter, visits to physiotherapists increase as people arrive needing help for injuries related to cold weather blasts. From slips and falls to muscle strains from snow shoveling, winter keeps us busy! Patients arrive with a wide variety of ailments. However, wrist and shoulder injuries are usually the most common, because people attempt to use their upper bodies to break their falls.

Here are a few tips to help prevent falls while navigating icy pathways:

  • Choose your footwear wisely. Look for soles that provide traction on the ice and snow.

  • Walk consciously. Watch for icy patches and resist the urge to run for the bus or green light. Allow for extra time.

  • Stay balanced. Keep your hands out of your pockets and avoid carrying heavy loads that may cause you to be a bit wobbly. Consider using a backpack to keep your hands free.

  • Exit your vehicle carefully. Hold on to your car to support yourself.

  • Assume that all wet, dark areas on pavement may be slippery or icy.

  • Use handrails on all stairs and ramps.

  • When in doubt on an icy stretch - move like a penguin. Walk slowly, take small steps, spread your feet out slightly and strive for a balanced position.

Of course, despite best efforts sometimes falls happen! If you have fallen or are experiencing pain related to a fall injury our physios are here to help, and rumour has it a few of the Advanced Physiotherapy team have perfected the Penguin Shuffle. Ask for a demo!


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